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the kind that is sticky

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Q: What glue should you use to attach badges to a backpack?
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How are badges placed on Girl Guide sash?

Most badges are sewn on, but some may be the iron on type. There are also products that are a type of glue that may be used to attach the badges. Regarding where to place the badges, it depends on which organization the Girl Guide belongs to. Girl Guides Canada say that the girl's program books should have an illustration for placement of the badges on the sash. They also have photos of the sashes at their online store. The troop leader/guider should be able to tell you where the badges go.

What glue should you use to attach plastic to stainless steel?

Epoxy is the best one.

How do you attach ribbon to vehicle without damaging?

Attach it with a glue

What glue works best to attach swords to your guard cats?

super glue fits perfectly. i think that cats should not be guard cats and you should get rid of your cats. cats are not good animals to have

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E6000 glue works best :) You can also glue a small wooden circle or felt circle inside using the e6000 glue and then attach to the hair bow with regular hot glue :)

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What kind of glue would you use to attach rhinestones to a felt letterman's jacket?

White glue is good for that.

How can I use a glue gun to securely attach a crayon to a surface for a craft project?

To securely attach a crayon to a surface using a glue gun for a craft project, first, plug in the glue gun and let it heat up. Then, apply a small amount of hot glue to the back of the crayon and quickly press it onto the surface you want to attach it to. Hold it in place for a few seconds until the glue sets. Be careful not to touch the hot glue to avoid burns.

What do you use to attach plastic bumper to bumper?

Super glue

What glue should I use to permanently attach a flexible magnet strip to cordura nylon?

I would use a construction adhesive such as PL Premium

How can I use paint and hot glue together in a craft project?

You can use paint to decorate an object and then use hot glue to attach additional elements like beads, buttons, or fabric. The paint will adhere to the surface, and the hot glue will securely attach the embellishments.

What adhesive should be used to attach paper to metal surface?

White glue is definitely the best for that.