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Depending on the type of camping you are doing, the amount of time you will be in the wilderness and how strenous the work you will be doing you may want to consider the following options:

Camping in non-remote area for short period of time:Try bringing Beans, hotdogs, water, soups, marshmellows and dry nacks. Don't forget the can opener and the pots and bowls. This is recommended for short trips where you can have a cooler at the camp sight.

IF you are trecking into the wilderness and excerting lots of energy try the following:

Bring dehydrated meals or self heating meals which you can purchase at a local sporting goods store. Also, bring lots of clean water, some water purification tabs or a filter to remove any micro organisms if you need to get more water from a lake or stream on your journey. Also, pack lots of high calorie snacks for energy, I always like granola bars, nuts and dried fruits. You can expend over 3000 calories a day if you are doing alot of physical activity. You can get alot of ideas if you goto the local sporting goods store and look in their camping isle.

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12y ago
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13y ago

When camping I would really recommend to keep your food in either:

  • A Cooler OR
  • Resealable Plastic or Metal Containers
  • NOT Resealable Plastic Bags or Original Packaging

Keep all your food in resealable plastic or metal containers. Even if they are already packed (e.g., Bag of Pasta, Loaf of Bread etc.). Ants can bite through or find small holes in already packaged food. You want to avoid sharing your food with insects and wild life.

We were traveling through Australia and Ants invaded our Camper and got to most of our food, even though it was packed away in it's original bags. So trust me, use very air tight containers that keep insects away.

Then place your Cooler or Food Containers in the following locations if you leave it unattended or over night.

Place Unattended Food...
  • Locked in your Car/Camper/RV
  • Safely in a "Bear Box" at your CampSite
Important advice:
  • Never leave any food outside or inside of your tent.
  • Always wash up dishes immediately after eating.

Happy camping and keep safe :)

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12y ago

freeze dried meals come in boxes. You may find them in a scouting store.All I know is that's what my boyscout brother hs on campouts.

Hotdogs on a stick are always very tasty by campfire.

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11y ago

You can bring whatever foods you like and that you can take with you. When my family and I go, we bring stuff like cereals, muffins, Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, bread, peanut butter and jelly, and the like. If you can pack it, you can take it. (We keep meats, milk, eggs, etc. in a large cooler filled with ice. Most of it can last an entire week.)

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12y ago

The best answer I think is really, whatever you like.

You have to take into consideration how you will be camping though. My experience is only with campground camping, and not with backpackings. But here are some things that I usually bring.

Small multi-packs of cereal for a quick easy breakfast.

Sausage, bacon, eggs.

Potatoes, onion, hot dogs, burger patties or ground beef, buns, ketchup, mayo, mustard.

Some snack foods too like chips, energy bars.

I also bring juice and milk. I love to also bring instant hot chocolate, or powdered drink mixes.

There is nothing that says you couldn't cook a 5 star banquet while camping.

I'll tell you my personal favorite thing to make, that I only make when camping are called burger bombs.

Very easy to make.

Step 1.

Take 1 pound of ground beef and form into 1/4 pound patties. Place each patty on a separate and fairly large piece of aluminum foil.

Step 2.

Cut 1 whole onion "sandwich style", and place the onions over the burger patties.

Step 3.

Cut a potato "sandwich style" and place the potato over the onions.

Step 4. (optional)

Add a bit of margarine or butter over the top of the potatoes.

Step 5.

Cut some carrots (or use whole baby carrots) and place them over the potatoes.

Step 6.

Form the foil around each patty into a bowl shape (leave just a little bit of room, but not a lot.

Step 7.

Use a jar of beef gravy and cover each patty with and equal amount of gravy.

Step 8.

Top each with a bit of salt and pepper if you like.

Step 9.

Bring the sides of the "burger bowls" together to form a dome over the ingredients and twist the tops together as best you can to prevent moisture from escaping.

Step 10.

Cook on the grill over over the fire for at least 30 minutes. Check for doneness at 30 minutes, continue cooking in 7 minute increments until patty is done through and vegetables are tender.

Step 11.

Place burger bombs on a plate, open foil and enjoy.

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12y ago

Most people bring there own foodswhen camping... But if that's not the case then you can hunt, fish, dig or pick for food...

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