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Q: What evidence of a recent conflict does rainsford see on his way threw the jungle in the story the most dangerous game?
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What conflict does rainsford have with Zaroff?

The external conflict is man versus man, as General Zaroff relentlessly hunts Rainsford through the jungle.

Zaroff followed Rainsford's trail through the jungle and at one point stood directly underneath a tree that Rainsford was hiding in?

In this scene from "The Most Dangerous Game" by Richard Connell, Zaroff stands underneath the tree that Rainsford is hiding in but does not see him because Rainsford remains perfectly still. This moment adds tension to the story as Rainsford narrowly avoids being discovered by his pursuer.

How does Rainsford feel just after he leaves the chateau to start the game?

Rainsford feels exhilarated and excited about the challenge that lies ahead as he embarks on the game. He is also alert and focused, ready to outsmart General Zaroff and survive in the dangerous jungle.

How does Rainsford return to Zaroff's house at the end of 'The Most Dangerous Game'?

Rainsford swims back to the chateau after evading Zaroff in the jungle. He sneaks into the house and confronts Zaroff in his bedroom, ultimately defeating him in their final showdown.

What did the jungle where Rainsford hid smell like?

The jungle where Rainsford hid smelled of moist earth, decaying vegetation, and the musky scent of animals. The air was thick with humidity and the fragrance of tropical flowers and vegetation.

What is the screaming that Rainsford hears at the beginning of Most Dangerous Game?

The screaming Rainsford hears at the beginning of "The Most Dangerous Game" is the sound of General Zaroff hunting a human in the jungle. Zaroff is a skilled hunter who has grown bored of hunting traditional prey and has turned to hunting humans for sport.

Did Zaroff supply Rainsford with food and a weapon before he sent him out into the jungle?

Yes, Zaroff provided Rainsford with food and a knife before releasing him into the jungle. Zaroff wanted their hunt to be a fair match, as he enjoyed the challenge of hunting a skilled prey.

Is it true Zaroff followed Rainsford's trail through the jungle and at one point stood directly underneath a tree that Rainsford was hiding in?


Has Zaroff supply Rainsford with food and a weapon before he sent him out into the jungle?


What happens to General Zaroff at the end of The Most Dangerous Game?

Rainsford apparently dies in a plunge from a cliff into the sea, but is waiting for the general in his bedroom. Rainsford invokes the law of the jungle, where only one can survive, and it is not Zaroff.

Zaroff supplied Rainsford with food and a weapon before he sent him out into the jungle apexvs?

True.. :)

Is the jungle dangerous?

The jungle can be dangerous, depending upon the type of wildlife found there.