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Q: What eats a Otocinclus Catfish?
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What eats catfish?

People eat catfish.

What eat eats catfish?

People eat catfish.

What eats redtail catfish?

Humans eat Redtail Catfish.

What eats a catfish?

catfish eats nearly everything it fit in his mouth

what is the best fish to have with coreys?

Cory Catfish tank mates include most community tank fish as long as they are non-aggressive and friendly in nature. Otocinclus Catfish, Tetras, Swordtails and of course other Corys can be a good fit.

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What eats a catfish but not a shark?

a human :0)

Blue catfish niche?

It eats fish

What happens if a dog eats a catfish head?

Will do no harm, I have a cat that eats Dogfish heads.

Which fish eats algae growing on a shark's body?

The most popular species of fish for algae eaters: 1. Plecostomus (several varieties) 2. Rosie Barbs (cherry) 3. Siamese Algae Eaters 4. Otto (Otocinclus 5. Many species of freshwater shrimp and snails are also great algae-eaters. 6. Catfish 7. Goldfish 8. Koi

What kind of fish eats catfish that's in fresh water?
