

What does weathing mean?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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Q: What does weathing mean?
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Weathing and erosion.

What is mechanical weathing?

Mechanical weathering is the breakdown of rocks into smaller fragments without changing the rock's mineral composition. It occurs through physical processes like frost wedging, abrasion, and root growth. Over time, these actions cause rocks to break down into smaller pieces.

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The Earth is round due to gravity pulling matter towards the center, resulting in a spherical shape. A square planet wouldn't be stable under the forces involved in forming planets, leading it to collapse into a rounded shape. Additionally, a square planet would have uneven distribution of mass and gravitational pull, making it challenging for life to exist as we know it.

What is the difference between weathring and erosion?

well yea it is weathing is weather and erison is like rock so ya anser is u slef

What part of a rock does weathing attack most rapidly?

Weathering typically attacks the outer surface or exposed edges of a rock most rapidly. This is because these areas are more exposed to the elements, such as rain, wind, and temperature fluctuations, which accelerate the breakdown of the rock material.

Simple particle diagram to show a weathering process?

A simple particle diagram for the weathering process could show a large rock breaking down into smaller particles due to physical weathering, such as freeze-thaw. The diagram would illustrate the rock splitting into smaller pieces as water enters cracks, freezes, and expands, causing the rock to fragment. This process eventually leads to the formation of smaller particles like gravel, sand, and silt as the rock continues to weather over time.

Can temperatures break down rocks?

Yes. Temperature changes, water, wind, pressure changes, plant and animal action, and gravity are all agents of physical weathing.

What are the two most famous landmarks that have changed because of weathing and erosion?

The Grand Canyon, Devil's Tower in Wyoming, Serpent Mound in Ohio, the Needles in South Dakota.

Name 2 forces that changed physical features of Asia.?

There are several forces that formed the Asia we know. Builder, erosion, and weathing forces have effected the land and are still changing this vast region.

What is water - rock interations on weathering?

Transporting is a key and at high temp (100-300 deg c) of water changing the rock. water is great at weathing because its has great solution properties.