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Q: What does open field farming mean?
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In 1700 what was the open field system?

the open field system is a system of farming used by farmer mainly during the middle ages but also after.

What system replaced the open field system in farming?

The open field system in farming was replaced by the enclosed field system, which involved consolidating small, scattered strips of land into larger, fenced-off fields that could be managed more efficiently by individual landowners.

An area of open land used for farming?

Agricultural field or farmland is an open area of land used for farming activities such as crop cultivation or animal husbandry.

How are hydroponic farming and field farming different?

Hydroponic farming does not use soil.

What to do if a hurricane hits and you are in an open field?

I think you mean what do you do if a tornado hits and you are in an open field as hurricanes are not land-based.If you are in an open field and cannot get to shelter lie in a ditch or culvert. Do not seek shelter under a bridge.

What farming techniques did they use to grow crops?

slash and burn,terrace farming, and Raised field farming

What is field turf?

a sports turf field can be an oval or pitch, in the farming context could be a paddock

Where did the homestead act open land to farming?

The West

Is the Heinz Field a dome stadium?

No. Heinz Field is an open stadium.

What farming method was used to carry water into the field for the growing of crops in the middle east?

The farming method in question is IRRIGATION.

Is Wheat farming in general located to the west of corn farming in the US?

No. Wheat farming is and can be located where corn is being farmed, just in different fields from that of the corn field.

When was Open Field created?

Open Field was created on 2007-06-18.