

What does moution mean?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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Q: What does moution mean?
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Some rivers listed from Wikipedia Isonzo (Soča), Torre, Natisone, Cormor Ausa Tagliamento Livenza Piave Brenta Adige Po Reno Limentra Santerno Senio Sillaro Savio Rubicon Marecchia Ausa Marano Conca Foglia Metauro

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Moths can be found in a variety of habitats, including forests, grasslands, urban areas, and even deserts. They are typically attracted to areas with food sources such as nectar-producing flowers and sources of moisture. Some moth species also occupy specific microhabitats, such as tree trunks, caves, or wetlands.

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Balanced forces are when the net force equals 0. An example would be a swing in zero motion, because the gravitational force or downward force is equal to the chain's tension (holding the swing up). Unbalanced force is when one force is greater than another opposing force such as someone skydiving, because the gravity is greater than the wind resistance causing the person to move downwards. So the answer to your last question is unbalanced force gives you motion. Hope this helps.

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