fish are fish
Dolphins look like dolphins and why would they look like a fish when they are a mammal?
There are thousands of species of fish and they all look different from one another in some way. Seawater fish look like fish as do freshwater fish.
It does not look like a fish hook with a large barb. Instead there are lots of barbed ridges, rather like a lance.For copyright reasons we are not allowed to post pictures on WikiAnswers, but have a look at the related links below.
they look like fish.
Like a hokie fish
The leafy sea dragon, a marine fish related to seahorses, is known for its elaborate camouflage that makes it look like floating seaweed or kelp. This unique appearance helps the fish blend in with its environment and avoid predators.
They look just like Big betta fish, but smaller.
"Fish that look like rock" has five syllables.
Generally, a metallic green/brown on top, and white on the belly.
they look like fish