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It's called a sliding capo.

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Q: What do guitarist put on there fingers?
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Guitarist with only 9 full fingers?

Jerry Garcia

Does the Dragonforce guitarist have 6 fingers?

No. None of them have more than the usual number of fingers on either hand.

What are some challenges a guitarist pursuing this career will face?

hurt fingers, broken strings,carrying case

How many fingers is note e?

You put to fingers

How did the ring fingers get their names?

They are called ring fingers because they are fingers where you put your wedding rings

How does addition work?

Addition is like counting on your fingers. If you hold up two fingers on you hand, then you put up two more fingers, you don't say I have 2 fingers up and now i put up two more so i have two fingers up doubled, you say I have four fingers up. Like adding, counting on your fingers is exactly the same. For instance. two plus two if four so on your fingers you can put up two fingers and then put up two more and have four. I hope I helped you!

What is the energy transformation for guitar?

When a guitarist plays a guitar, mechanical energy from the guitarist's fingers is converted into sound energy through the vibration of the guitar strings. The sound energy is then transmitted through the air as sound waves, creating audible music.

How do you put on camouflage cream?

You put it on your fingers and your face.

Where do you put your fingers on the guitar?


Why 2 plus 2 equals 4?

maybe its because you add the 2 and the 2 and you get 4. put two fingers up. Then put 2 more fingers up. count the fingers. your answer is 4

How do you make iced fingers?

put ur fingers in the freezer for an hourBy Leon Burton of Carki

How does a person play the violin?

put your fingers on it