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Q: What do baby armored catfish look like?
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What do baby catfish look like?

Baby guppies are very small. Most are around 1/8" long when born. They are nearly clear with a silver color in their bellies. Some color foms of guppies will have babies that exhibit a limited amount of color at the time they are born. Most commonly this is seen in red verieties. All varieties will begin to "color up" or get thier adult coloration in about week 4-5.

What doe's a catfish look like?

a cat fish

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The annoying dog.

Why does J t look like a catfish?

Jk lol

What does a corydoras fish look like?

Small catfish that look kinda like chubby sharks with tiny whiskers. They live in schools

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Baby panthers, also known as cubs, are typically born with their eyes closed and covered in soft fluffy fur. They have faint spots or markings on their fur that will eventually fade as they grow older. Baby panthers rely on their mother for food and protection until they are old enough to hunt on their own.

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Because their barbels feelers look like whiskers what are fish in the Siluriformes order commonly called?


Do catfish produce milk for their young?

No. Catfish (order Siluriformes) are fish, and fish do not produce milk to feed their young. In general, catfish females lay eggs and those eggs are left alone. The hatched baby fish (called "fry") must fend for themselves. They're called catfish because of the barbels that many species have extended from the sides of their mouths. They look sort of like a cat's whiskers. Catfish are bottom-feeders, and the barbels have taste buds in them that help the fish find food in the mud.

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they look like this

How can you look like a club penguin baby?

dress like a baby...

How do you tell if baby looks like husband?

look at the baby,then look at the husband