Clean, bake, buy, dance, sing, talk, decorate, invite, umm...that is all I can think of.
think, throw, thrust
There are two verbs in the sentence 'I am having a party next week': 'am' and 'having.'
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You can throw any type of party for your friends. A birthday party, a relationship party etc, they enjoy it all.
It means "You are going to throw a party" in English.
You throw your own party.
To party you must have a phone then there should be an option to throw party(it wont work if it is really late at night.)
Run, walk, jump, shout, throw, ask, and talk.
A punch. A party.
To throw a raging party, you need to prepare some food, invite people for the party, and let it roll out! If you do this, and it doesn't work, try inviting your mum to join the party, and it might work then.