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When you predict you are thinking/writing what you believe is going to happen and usually you have a 50/50 chance of being right

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Q: What are the advantges and disadvantages of a must do forecast?
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What are the advantges and disadvantages to a salt water pool?

aside from occasionally having to put salt in it and having to replace the chlorinating element there are no disadvantages, Saline is more pleasant to swim in. it is easier in the skin and eyes and you don't have to muck around with chlorine as this is made automatically.

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Disadvantages of time value of money?

The disadvantages of time value of money are not knowing the interest rates or growth projections of money. It is impossible to forecast accurately inflation rates.

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What the three factor which must be included in weather forecast?

Bc bornBc born

What are the advantges of wind?

cools you down, helps you breath better

Advantges and disadvantages of airways?

it is fastest. it can reach remote & DISTANT AREAS it can be used to rescue people , distribute medicines,food,water,clothes n medicines. it can be used for advertising it is very expensive affected by bad weather like fog n storms

What is part of speech is forecast?

Forecast can be used as a verb or a noun.Verb: Meteorologists forecast the weather.Noun: Today's forecast looks gloomy.

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it saves trasport costs it saves time to the company

Is the word forecast an adjective?

Forecast is a verb (forecasting) or noun (forecast).

What measurement is considered valid it must?

Forecast what it is supposed to predict.

What is a forecast that rely on numeral data?

A digital forecast is a forecast that relies on numerical data.