1. Hunting increases as people learn how farmed animals are raised. They want meat from animals that had a natural, healthy life and swift, humane death.
2. Providing meat that does not contain antibiotics or artificial growth hormones is thought by many to be healthier.
3. Spending time in nature to learn about wildlife habits and habitats expands the knowledge of wildlife and its habitat.
4. Tradition. Hunting skills and knowledge have been handed down to next generations since the beginning of hunting.
5. Challenge. Animals have the advantage of being in their own habitat. They know their territory and have the ability to see, hear and smell changes.
6. Exercise. Walking over hills or through the woods while carrying gear can be an excellent workout. Turning over the soil, sowing seeds, and maintaining food plots provide exercise for people as well as food for the wildlife.
7. Personal responsibility for food. It is as natural to hunt for many people as it is to have a backyard garden. Providing ones own food is rewarding.
8. Conservation. Hunters help maintain the number of animals biologists deem necessary to keep wildlife from overpopulating. Over population leads to the faster spread of disease, starvation and habitat damage. It can also have an impact on humans. The number of car accidents and property damage increases when wildlife populations are too high. No animal has ever become extinct or endangered by responsible hunters.
9. There is a sense of accomplishment when the time, work and financial investment of hunting ends in a successful hunt.
10. Hunting stimulates the economy. Licenses and permits are purchased before a hunt begins. Hunters have spent billions of dollars on hunting and hunting-related items.
fordecoration reasons yes.
Sadly they do. Their beautiful shells like to be used for many reasons.
because people are forever ignorant...
Humans are threatening animals into extinction. There are some reasons. Some people hunt animals in order to protect themselves, some hunt for food, some hunt for fun and some hunt for no reasons.
Men hunt wolves for many reasons. They hunt them for their fur to create clothing andaccessories they also hunt them for their meat, for eating.
10 reasons why people should not eat fast food
they bite and it hurt alot
Humans hunt Gorillas usually for their preserved hands or to eat them.
Some people hunt raccoons for their fur, which can be used for clothing or decorations. Others may hunt raccoons for sport or to control population levels in certain areas where raccoons are seen as pests that raid crops or carry diseases.
Kurt Hunt is 5' 10".
DO leapords hunt people
not alot because people hunt them