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"les coureurs des bois"

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Q: What French words mean runners of the woods?
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How did the Coureurs de Bois get their name?

blahhhhhh what they mean is that the coureurs de bois got their names from being: the were young men who jumped at the chance for adventure. they were also called "runners of the woods." also they were french woods men who travelled to the interior of Canada to engaged in the fur trade with the natives without permission from the French authorities. then later in 1681 the french gave out permits to some of the coureurs de bois who became voyageurs if they got the permit.

What does the french words you sevier mean?

you sevier is not French.

How do you spell particular in french?

French words that can mean particular are:particulierdifficilemeticuleux

What does motes brouilles mean in french?

Perhaps you mean 'mots brouillés' - scrambled words (not a usual expression in French)

What do you mean by bon a mie?

I have only a few words in French, but I think you mean mon ami, which is French for 'my friend.'

What do you call coureurs de bois mean in English?

coureurs de bois (kurpr' de bwa) -- French for woods runners -- unlicensed fur traders during the early French settlment in Quebec. French settlers came early to North America, following in the wake of the explorers and fur traders, creating New France, Quebec City, founded in 1608. But immigration from France was slow prior to the mid-1600s and there was a need to relocate the multitude of workmen who lacked employment in France. Many of the young men who immigrated during this time frame were engaged to serve (3 to 6 years) in New France as ploughmen, diggers, pit men, etc. (among the lowest paid people). These young men began to "seek their fortunes" engaging in the fur trade without permission from French authorities . . . i.e. coureurs de bois . . . woods runners.

What are some french question words that mean when?


How do you say pirate in french?

There are two words in French that can mean pirate, they are pirate and corsaire

What does p mean in french?

p still means p in french. it is words that are different

What does 'papilio' mean in French?

The word 'papilio' is a Latin word. The French equivalent is papillon. Both words mean butterfly.

What does rond mean?

''Rond'' and ''ronde'' are french words that mean round (shape).

What does the word foot mean in french?

foot refers to "football" in french (both words are used)