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It is the Australian Alps.

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Australian Alps.

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Brindabella Range

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Q: Mountains west of canberra
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The Canberra bushfires in 2003 started to the south west of the city and moved through the southern suburbs of Canberra, heading towards the coast (eastern Australia).

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there are mountains west

What ocean is in Canberra?

There is no clean in Canberra. Canberra is the capital city of Australia, and located inland, hundreds of kilometres from the nearest ocean. The only bodies of water in Canberra are Lake Burley Griffin and the Molonglo River, while the Murrumbidgee River skirts the city to the west.

Is Canberra located on the coast of Australia?

No. Canberra is located about 120 Km inland from the coast.

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The Snowy Mountains Scheme is located about 100 kilometres south of Canberra in New South Wales, the Snowy Mountains area.

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What mountains are west of North America?

the mountains on the west side of north America are called the Rocky Mountains

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The Appalachian Mountains are in the East, the Rocky Mountains are in the west.

How do you devide canberra?

North-South is how you devide Canberra. Because there is a lake between the two. However with the new district of Molongolo, there will soon be a west side too

The Adirondack Mountains are due West of what mountain range?

The Adirondack Mountains are due West of the Green Mountains in Vermont.