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If your clothing chatches on fire you do not run you stop drop and roll

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Q: If your clothing catches on fire can you run?
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What should you do if your hair or clothing catches on fire in a science room?

If your hair or clothing catches on fire in a science room, remember to stop, drop, and roll to smother the flames. Alert others for help and use a fire extinguisher if available. Seek medical attention immediately for any burns.

You are driving through a tunnel What if your vehicle catches fire What should you do?

Get out and run

What to do if the clothing catches on fire?

Follow the procedure "stop, drop and roll." Or if it is possible, use a fire blanket to place upon the victim and deprive the fire of oxygen. You may as use a fire extinguisher if one is available.

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It depends where and why it catches on fire, if it is a small gas or oil leak, then on most cars the engine could still run, although it would be extremely dangerous.

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If you have time, then grab a towel. Otherwise, run out of there as fast as you can. Be careful not to slip and fall.

What to when your hair catches a fire?

Immediately stop, drop, and roll to put out the fire. Cover your face and head with a towel or clothing to smother the flames. Seek medical attention for any burns or injuries.

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If the surge strip catches on fire, unplug it from the wall outlet and use a fire extenguisher or sand to smother the fire.

What should you do if your hair or clothing catches fire?

Please do this okay? Stop what you are doing (don't panic). Drop to the floor. Then start rolling. It should put out the fire. Thanks for reading. =D -Blossom5759 from ROBLOX (invite me)

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the red puffle catches on fire

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The tree catches fire and it dies.

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the black puffle catches fire on club penguin if you feed it a puffle-o or if you play with it

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Mix with milk, yeast and salt. Soak awhile. Place in greased pan and bake at 350 deg. till done or catches fire, whichever comes first; if the latter call fire dept. and run