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Horses are not typically tied to a post by their reins - It is not unusual to tie a horse to a hitching ring or rail with a half hitch. This has little resistance and an untrained horse can simply pull away from it.

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12y ago

when i helped out at a riding school they taught me to first;put the rope around the post so you have the leadrope that's attached to the horse and the free end facing you. then cross the free end over the end attached to your horse over,so it sort of looks like a backwards four shape(note:make sure you have enough rope to do this otherwise the next part will fail) and then make a loop with the still free end of the backwards four,and push that through the loop you have automatically made in the backwards four shape..if it works you should have two loops,if you do then all you do is pull the two loops,making sure not to pull the loops out or the loop shape,until they are both practice this a few times first to make sure you can do it so you don't end up losing your horse.that's what i did because i found it a little hard at first. the big paragraph ive written makes it look like a massively huuuge task,but i just wanted to explain it in detail to make it easier:) i hope my advice has been of some help:)

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Q: If you tie your horse to a post how should you tie the knot?
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Howrse answer for when you tie your horse to a post what should you do?

When you tie your horse to a post, you should: Tie a loose knot that will give if he spooks or runs

Should you tie a tight knot when tying your horse to a post?

No. You should not tie a knot when your horse is going to be tied to a post. You should always tie a loose not just in case the horse gets spooked or frightened. Never ever tie a tight not. I

Should you do tie your horse to a post?

If you use a pony knot (slip knot) to tie them so they can escape if they are distressed it should be safe.

What should you do when you tie your horse to a post?

tie a very tight knot so he or she doesn't escape.

When you tie a horse to a post you do what?

if you tie a horse up you should always tie a quick release knot never leave a horse unattended when he is tied up

When you tie your horse to a post you should do what?

you should make a slip knot so you can untie it easile

When you tie your horse to a post should you do a tight knot or a loose one?

a loose not but not too loose.

When you tie your horse to a post you should....?

Secure the knot properly to ensure the horse can't break free, use a quick-release knot in case of emergencies, and ensure the horse has access to water and is tied at a safe length to prevent injury.

What should you do if you tie your horse to a post?

Tie a quick, loose, releasable knot that will give give if he gets spooked or tries to run.

When a horse is tied to a post you should?

tie a quick release knot that can be immediately undone in event of an emergency.

How should you tie a horse to a post or should you never?

you can as long as you tie the correct knot which i am unsure of. I believe a quick releases knot would work but is it really worth a horse to take that chance? always realize the consequences with horses! Try to avoid tying a horse to a post and keep their time on it minimal!

How do you safely tie a horse?

with a good halter, tie the halter to a solid post using a slip knot.