

Best Answer

You can use it ALL the way to the end of the year...which in your case is the end of the month! Fishing licenses are only good for one CALENDAR year in California. This means from matter when you buy it. Guy that sold it to you should have let you know got sold buddy!

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Q: If you buy a 1 year fishing license in December how long can you use it for?
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How long does a deep sea fishing license last?

It depends on where you get the license. In Florida, a resident can get a 1 year, a 5 year, or a lifetime Saltwater Fishing license. Nonresidents can get an annual (1 year), a 3 day, or a 7 day Saltwater Fishing License. In California, residents and nonresidents can get a 1 year, 1 day, or 2 day Sport Fishing license. Nonresidents can also get a 10 day Sport Fishing license. Residents can get a lifetime Fishing License.

In Missouri does a 12 year old need a fishing license?

In Missouri a 12 year old does not need a fishing license. A person does not need a fishing license until they are older.

Does a 13 year old need an adult with a fishing license in Alberta to go fishing?

nope as long as their under the age of 16 their of the hook. "get it"

Does a 13 year old need a fishing license in Alberta?

No you only need a fishing license when you are 16 years of age as far as i know

Can a 11 year old girl have a fishing license?

It varys on where you live

How much does a all year fishing license cost in Arizona?

all license are about 25-50 dollars!

What is the price for freshwater fishing license?

In the UK you don't need a license if you are 11 or under , aged 12 to 16 it is £5 a year . For a adult its £27 a year. Come have a look at my carp fishing website on my profile.

Does a 13 year old need a fishing license in KY?

No, a 13 year old does not need to purchase a fishing license in the state of Kentucky. Fishing licenses are needed for people aged 16 and older.

Does a 13 year old need a fishing license in Illinois?

No not until he is 16 if he is a angler

Does a 7 year old non resident need a Wisc fishing license?

nope in the USA u dont need a fishing license if under 16 so that goes to all states

How much is a fishing rod license in the uk?

A rod license for the UK is £26.00 for the year. Depending on what fishing you are after.

When does an Illinois fishing license expire?

March 21 every year i've been told