Luckily most lawns in a neighborhood are similarly sized. If the lawn has been neglected and is long and needs edging, you might charge more since you will take more time to shape it up. However, I've paid $20 to $25 for front and back, with few trees involved.
For a suburban area's yard, you should charge 15.00 dollars for the front lawn and an additional 10.00 dollars for the backyard. Because backyards are usually smaller. An urban area's yard would be 20.00 dollars for front yard and 15.00 dollars for the backyard. And if you live in the country and you guys have gigantic yards like in Yulee then say 30.00 for the front yard and 25.00 for the backyard. I hope this helps. Thank you for reading and God Bless.
About 10 dollars an hour
about 25 dollars every lawn
AnswerSince we don"t know how big of an area you have to rake, I would offer 3 bucks or so for each "bag" they fill. If its one of those HUGE lawn and garden bags then maybe 4 bucks ( if your generous).what?!!! u should charge 20 bucks a bag
you should ask for $2.00 a bag!
$15-$20.It may not seem like much but that's why you do alot.
it depends how large the space is..usualy about 15 or 20 dollars.because im 13 and i would charge 15
If you have a small lawn,about ten,if they do a good job,fifteen.A large lawn,20,if they do a good job 25.If you have a small buget 7 for a small and 15 for a large.That is how much I normally get paid.
I should charge 5%
.00425 cents per sq ft = roughly 185 for an acre
same price as an adult
uhh. how much did he charge you when you were growin' up?