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Q: How much does a tiger barb cost?
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Related questions

When was Tiger barb created?

Tiger barb was created in 1855.

What is the breeding size of albino tiger barb?

The breeding size of an Albino Tiger Barb ranges between 2.5 and 3 inches in length.

What animal group does the tiger barb belong to?


Will an aferican dwarf get along with a tiger barb?


Is a Albino Tiger Barb fish omnivore?

No it is a carnivore

How long is a tiger barb's pregnancy?

The gestation period (time of pregnancy) of a tiger is 104-106 days.

Do tiger barb fish give birth?

No,it doesn't.It lays eggs.

How much dos a tiger cost?

69 pennies

How much does a tiger beat magazine cost?

About $10.

Can slider turtle live with tiger barb fish?

The question shoud be 'Can a tiger barb live with a slider.' Fish are one of the main diet items of turtles so the barb will eventually become a meal for the turtle. If the turtle is small, he may not be able to eat the fish but he will nip at it and remove fins. Sooner or later the fish disappears.

What does tiger barb eat?

Tiger barbs should be fed a good quality tropical flake food. You can get them online for a good price at

Can a tiger barb get a betta pregnant?

Tiger Barbs (Barbus tetrazona) are egg layers and do not get pregnant.