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Q: How many pieces of grass are in Pennsylvania?
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How many pieces of grass are there in the whole world?

FAR too many to count!

Pennsylvania is the blue grass state?

False. Kentucky is called the Bluegrass state. Pennsylvania is known as the Keystone State.

What are 4 common plants in Pennsylvania?

Trees, Ferns, Dandelions, Grass

When and Where do Grasshoppers eat Ants?

Grass hoppers eat ants in between pieces of grass at that is usually at night time.

Where do you find kinstone pieces?

In the grass, under rocks... anywhere you can get items.

How many pieces of grass do you need to cover an area of 1139 square feet when 1 pallet equals 500 sq feet and their are 158 pieces in a pallet?

360 pieces - homework question or doing yardwork? 500 / 158 = 3.16 sf per piece of grass 1139 / 3.16 = 359.924 = 360 for all practical purposes. If doing yard work (i.e. laying sod) figure on a 10% wastage factor and get about 400 pieces

What is the used of wheel barrow?

used in lifting or carrying pieces of grass and plants

What are edging strips?

Their normally pieces of wood that show where the garden starts and where the grass stops.

How do molar teeth help cows to eat grass?

Just like in humans, molars are used to chew grass, breaking it down in smaller pieces so it can be swallowed.

What is a grass spider in western Pennsylvania?

The following site should help you find what different grass spiders/funnel spiders look like.

What kinds of insect eats grass?

Many insects eat grass and other vegetation. Insects including caterpillars and other larva eat tiny pieces of grass and leaves because they can not open their moths up large enough to eat anything else.

How many pieces of grass in a pallet?

That will likely depend on where you are and you don't say where you are located. You should look up grass and turf vendors in your area and see what they charge. Free tip: If you are ordering that much, you might want to see what the cost to have it installed is. It's backbreaking labor.