In the past five years alone, more than one million seals have been slaughtered in the commercial seal hunt in Canada. The actual number of seals killed is likely higher than that, though, because many seals are shot at and injured in the course of the hunt, and many of these animals slip into the water, where they die slowly and are not counted or recovered.
sadly, no. you have to pay for most of your medical care. though if you were to move to the amazing CANADA, where i am from, it would be. most health care is free, or you pay very little, in canada. GO CANADA!!! =D Canada would be so much better if they would stop the Canadian Seal Hunt. Please support to end the Canadian Seal Hunt for the Humane Society!!
they hunt the harp seal mainly for their fur
According to an internet search, the countries that still hunt whales includeJapanNorwayIceland
people hunt shark because shark eat them they also use them for some thing called fin soup that cost 100 dollars.
hunt seal
Seal meat is the favourite meal for Inuit and polar bears alike, the Inuit people will use EVERY PART OF THE SEAL THEY HUNT, the oil for fuel, and the skin for clothing, theydo not hunt for sport but for their existence and way of life.
definately somewhere..
Seals are the favorite food of many predators. Sharks, killer whales, and polar bears are three of the largest predators of seals. Polar bears hunt for seals by finding the places where the seal is hiding on the ice, and pouncing on them. Sharks can hunt seals by hiding very deep in the sea, and rushing upwards when they see a seal overhead. Humans sometimes hunt seals too.
They usually hunt for there food in the water because there favorite food is Seal.
White sharks do sometimes eat people (or parts of people) but this is rare. They normally hunt for seals, but sometimes they will mistake a person for a seal.
Because people in Canada have a sport. They call it seal slaughter and they hit them with clubs. They are not extinct yet but they will be soon i don't know when but I'm trying to find out.