how long does it take to make a crayons
To determine the number of cells needed to make a chain 1 millimeter long, you would divide the length of the chain by the length of each cell. In this case, since each cell is 20 micrometers long (or 0.02 millimeters), you would divide 1 millimeter by 0.02 millimeters to get 50 cells in a chain 1 millimeter long.
As long as you make it take.
how long did it take colonial chandlers to make candles
The A has a long sound as in bake, cake, and take.
It takes one week to make jelly-beans! A whole week!
it usally will take a few days to make.
it take 5 hours to make a stapler
long xx
how long would it take to change a timing chain on a vauxhall zafira 54 plate.
O.K. please make sure if this chain is real .It make sense but please makesure thtt this chain is real.Remember he still have friends and they willstart makinq fun of his fake chain which will make your boyfirend take it off.Gourgeous27 you are right.Balletqueeny