Fascinating. But the many different species behave differently and have different methods of courting and spawning and fertilising the ova.
what do platy fish look like because i want to get my male Betta fish a male platy fish mate and i need to know how big and what they look like so i can put them together please answer soon because i am going on vacation tomorrow want the fish mate by today so he's not lonely while i am gone thank you
Flying fish typically find a mate through visual displays, such as changing colors or patterns, and by engaging in courtship behaviors like chasing or performing aerial acrobatics. Once a mate is chosen, the pair will release eggs and sperm into the water to fertilize them.
yes all fish mate
No, just like us seahorses mate with their own kind.
fish are fish
Dolphins look like dolphins and why would they look like a fish when they are a mammal?
There are thousands of species of fish and they all look different from one another in some way. Seawater fish look like fish as do freshwater fish.
they look like fish.
Like a hokie fish
One time I had two goldfish and they had 38 "fishlings" (As my sister calls it...). I have a silverside that has eggs. A silverside isn't sold in pet stores. :( ==== Not all tropical fish mate in an aquarium. Why,I do not know. Sometropical fish that will mate in a tank are guppies and mollies which are live bearers. Tetras and barbs are egglaying fish.
no. fish can only mate with fish of the same species. Gouramis mate with gouramis and platys mate with platys.