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Q: How does climate affect angler fish?
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Related questions

What does an angler fish eat and what eats an angler fish?

angler fish eats various sea fish. and monkfish eat angler fish

Is a angler fish a vertebrate?

Yes, anglerfish are vertebrates. They are a type of bony fish that belong to the class Actinopterygii, which means they have a backbone made up of vertebrae.

What fish has a light on his head?

There isn't really a name but fish like Angler Fish, Viperfish, etc. have light on its head

Do humans eat angler fish?

yes they do eat angler fish

What is an angler fish life like?

angler fish up the butt

Do angler fish have thicker scales?

Angler fish don't have scales at all. So the short answer is no. Do angler fish have thicker skin? Thicker that what?

What is an angler?

An angler is a person who fishes using a rod, reel, and bait to catch fish. Anglers can fish in rivers, lakes, or oceans for recreation or as a sport.

How do angler fish communicate?

Angler fish primarily communicate through non-verbal cues, such as body language and bioluminescent signals. They use their light-producing organs to attract prey, signal potential mates, and communicate with other angler fish in the darkness of the deep sea. Their communication is often focused on hunting, reproduction, and maintaining social distance from other angler fish in their environment.

Does the angler fish live in the cold water?

angler fish do not live in the cold

What is the angler fish's environment how does the angler fish breath?

Angler fish live in the deep-sea environment where there is little to no light. They have specialized gills that allow them to extract dissolved oxygen from the water to breathe.

Do Angler fish have babies?

Yes, angler fish reproduce by external fertilization. The male angler fish is much smaller than the female and will attach itself to the female by biting onto her. The male eventually fuses with the female, sharing nutrients and providing sperm when she is ready to release eggs.

Pictures of real life angler fish?

See the related link for pictures of Angler Fish.