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A compass is a great tool for navigation because you can use it by itself to head in a straight line or just know what direction is which. If you use a map with a compass then you can use triangulation. This is where you orientate the map and then find three points and draw a line from them towards you based on their direction from the compass. This will tell you where you are and from this you can determine the direction to travel. All of this though was replaced with the invention of the GPS. This is a link about triangulation but they have images which might help understand better

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Q: How does a compass aid in navigation?
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The basic principle in Navigation is to plot the path from where you are, to where you wish to go. This would be practiced by backpackers, ship's Captains, Aircraft, etc. You will probably use some instrumental aid, such as map and compass, a GPS system, an inertial navigation system, and so on.

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The compass. The ancient Chinese invented the compass and revolutionized maritime (ocean / water) navigation.

What will happen without compass?

A compass is a very useful navigation device, without it you may get lost.

What is the word for using a compass?

When you are using a compass you are navigating to a certain point. So it could be navigation.

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What were two inventions that improved navigation?

the compass and the astrolabe.

What is a navigation tool with a needle?

A compass fits this definition.

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Compass Rose

What kind of force allows a navigation compass to work?

A navigation compass works based on the force of Earth's magnetic field. The compass needle is magnetized and aligns itself with the magnetic field, pointing towards the magnetic North Pole.

Who invented mariner compass?

The mariners compass was invented by using LORIS , a wild animal for navigation

What was the effect of improved methods of navigation for the Portuguese in the 1420?

they envented a navigation tool called the magnetic compass.