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You can avoid mosquitoes by avoiding infested areas where they breed, which can be any standing water as small as in a saucer or puddle. Mosquito larvae can complete their development in just a week. You can avoid mosquito bites by wearing protective clothing and using repellents. Protect your own property by eliminating all sources of standing water and using biological mosquito control methods such as Bti (Bacillus thuringiensis), a bacteria that kills mosquito larvae but is harmless to all other forms of life.

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13y ago
Getting Rid of Mosquitoes

WikiAnswers contributors share their hints:

  • Drape a large mosquito net over your bed and close it at night when you sleep. These nets are effective in Africa in stopping the spread of malaria.
  • Use bug repellent
  • Insect repellents, screens, and mosquito nets.
  • Find the puddle of standing water they come from and poison it.
  • Squash them
  • You will never totally get rid of mosquitoes; however, get rid of all standing water. Gutters are a prime spot for them to lay eggs, so make sure you clean them also. If you have large areas of water that you cannot drain, get yourself some mosquito dunks. They lay in the water and destroy mosquito eggs. They are not harmful.
  • In France & other parts of Europe, they put flower boxes of geraniums in windows, claiming mosquitoes don't like the smell of them. Citronella is supposed to work, too.
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15y ago

You can plant citronella or lemon balm. Real citronella works better than the citronella scented geraniums. Also make sure that you don't have any standing water around your home and yard. This includes rain barrels (you can just put a screen over the top of them to keep any mosquitos from breeding in it), bird baths (make sure you change the water every couple of days and you should be ok), and anything else that can hold water after a rain (like wheel barrows, empty planters, and that kind of thing). Other than that there's not much you can do. Your best bet is to protect yourself from them. Wear longsleeved shirts and long pants in the evening when there is a lot of mosquito activity, you can rub the leaves of the lemon balm plant on yourself to work as a natural repellent on your skin. Avoid wearing perfume, and use unscented deoderant, and fabric softener.

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12y ago

sometime's i use lavender because some people say they don't like lavender so that's what i use or you can by insect repellant spray which is quite good too.

I have heard that the mouthwash Listerene is very effective if applied to the skin.

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13y ago

Any flying insect spray will work well or just swat them if it's one or two. If you see many often, they may be breeding nearby.

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Q: How do you stop mosquitos from bitting you?
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If you are referring to mosquitos then the answer is blood If you are referring to mosquitos then the answer is blood