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I have had great success using this method for growing moss in my shady/part sun areas. Make sure that you do not get rain onto it for at least 1 week. Do small areas at a time and tarp over the new area. RECIPE FOR GROWING MOSS Handful Moss

One Can Beer

Plastic Spoons


1/2 teaspoon sugar Step 1:

Put a handful of the moss you want to grow into a blender. Step 2:

Add 1/2 tsp. sugar and one can of beer (the cheapest brand). Step 3:

Blend just long enough to mix the ingredients and break down the moss. Step 4:

Spread the soupy mixture with a spatula over the ground or rocks where

you want the moss to grow. Keep rain off of it for at least a week. Good Luck And Enjoy Your Gardens!

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9y ago

There are many varieties of grass, some preferring sun and some tolerating shade. Varieties such as dog-ear grow well in shade. If you are growing a new lawn, you can buy a special seed mixture for shaded areas. Unfortunately, turf suppliers normally only supply grass for open lawns. If you have an existing lawn that is suffering because of shade, rake it well in spring and autumn and add some seed for shade tolerant grass.

If the shade is from trees, the grass will need to be watered regularly since the trees tend to keep the rain off the grass and take all the moisture from the soil.

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Where does moss live?

Moss can grow in a variety of habitats including damp forests, wetlands, rocks, and even urban environments. They are commonly found in shaded, moist areas with sufficient moisture levels for growth. Moss can also be found on tree bark, rocks, and in between cracks on sidewalks.

Does moss grow on a clean surface?

Moss typically thrives in moist, shaded, and acidic environments. While moss can potentially grow on clean surfaces if these conditions are met, it is less likely compared to surfaces that are damp, have more organic matter, or are already colonized by moss spores. Regularly cleaning surfaces can help prevent moss growth.

Why does moss grow on one side of a statue?

Moss typically grows on the side of a statue that is more shaded and damp, providing a suitable environment for its growth. Factors like sunlight exposure, moisture levels, and surface texture can influence where moss grows on a statue.

Does moss grow in acid soil or alkaline soil?

Moss grow in all sorts of places they grow in soil that you use to just plant flowers with but smooth soil

What does moss grow from?

Moss typically grows from spores that are carried by the wind or water. These spores land on a suitable surface, such as soil, rocks, or trees, where they germinate and begin to grow into moss plants.

What kinds of moss grow in the rainforest?

Various types of moss can be found in rainforests, including cushion moss, feather moss, and sphagnum moss. These varieties thrive in the humid and shaded environments of rainforests, playing a crucial role in nutrient cycling and ecosystem functioning.

Why do sloths grow moss?

The sloth does not grow moss, the moss does.

Where would you expect to find mosses growing?

Mosses typically thrive in moist and shaded environments, such as on forest floors, along streams, and in areas with high humidity. They can also be found on rocks, tree trunks, and in cracks and crevices where moisture is retained.

Can moss roses grow in rock?

They cannot grow on a rock but will grow among rocks Moss however will grow quite happily on rocks.

How does moss moss grow?

Like any other plants, it requires nutrients and moistness to grow.

Will moss grow on you if you stay in one place long enough?

No...the top layer of skin is constantly shed and replaced by new layers, albeit very slowly. There are also a lot of oils and bacteria on the skin surface meant specifically for preventing fungus/infections etc. from developing on us.

What can grow on rock?

moss can grow on a rock