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It penetrates and disperses energy in the form of a shock wave. Once the bullet is inside the body, it creates holes as it hits organs, or breaks bones.

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Q: How do a bullet from a gun destroys a human body?
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Related questions

How long does it take a bullet to reach a human body?

That's going to depend on the muzzle velocity of the bullet as it leaves the gun, the distance between the shooter and the intended victim, and on how fast the intended victim turns and runs.

Which law of newton is applicable toa bullet being fired from a gun and the gun recoiling?

The third law of Newton, the law of action and reaction, is applicable in this scenario. When a bullet is fired from a gun, the gun exerts an equal force in the opposite direction (recoil) to propel the bullet forward. This demonstrates the conservation of momentum as the total momentum before and after the bullet is fired remains the same.

How many joules need a gun to kill you?

It takes only 80 joules of kinetic energy in a bullet to kill a normal human being if it hits any of the unprotected vital portion of our body.

Is it possible to step in front of a fired gun and block a bullet?

NO, IF YOU TRIED IT YOU WONT BE READING THIS ANSWER! Actually, the answer is yes. You could step in front of a gun and block a bullet. Your body would likely block the bullet from hitting another person. Additionally, everyone who is shot doesn't die, in fact, it's not even most, so you could block a bullet and possibly still live to read the answer, however, don't step in front of bullets. Even if you don't die, you could be severely injured. <><> One more answer- no. If the gun has been fired, the human body cannot react nor move fast enough to get in front of a bullet. It is too fast, and you are too slow.

What is the total momentum of the bullet and the gun before firing?

The total momentum of the bullet and the gun before firing is zero, as the gun and the bullet are at rest. Momentum is the product of mass and velocity, and since both the gun and the bullet are not moving, their momentum is zero.

Why does the bullet and gun have different acceleration?

The gun weighs MUCH more than the bullet.

Why the gun leans backward when the bullet fire from the gun?

It's the recoil from the force of the bullet being fired. The gun powder pushes the bullet forward and also equally pushes the gun back into your hand.

How do you shoot a gun with a bullet?

Affix the gun to a target. Load the bullet into a cartridge. Load the cartridge into a second gun. Aim carefully, squeeze the trigger. If you have done everything right, you will have shot the gun with a bullet.

What is the name of the song which has the lyrics like a bullet from a gun and is about racing cars?

Chastain - Bullet From A Gun

How does a bullet leave a gun?

A bullet leaves a gun barrel because it is forced out by the pressure of burning gasses.

What are the movements of the bullet after leaving the muzzle of the gun?

The bullet is moving forward, and is spinning. As the bullet moves away from the gun, it falls towards the earth from gravity.

How can you make strong my gun?

the bullet and the barrel of the gun without a bullet it wont do anything by By Ray Lee Charles the top gun industries.