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they really can't, because the window might have been broken earlier and they try to screw you into paying for a window that who knows how long it had been broken.

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Q: How can someone prove a rock thrown from your lawn mower broke his window while passing by on the road?
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It depends on the terms of your lease. Most likely, you are responsible for the damage to the window. I know it does not seem fair, but it probably would be your responsibility to prove that someone else broke the window.

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You broke a window cutting the lawn for neighbor who pays you?

If you broke a window while cutting the lawn for the neighbor that pays you then they can replace it themselves. They can hold you responsible and not pay you and make you pay for the window. Or if they have homeowners insurance they can see if it will cover the broken window.

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I had to think about this for a moment. Yes, it is correct if the underlying assumption is that the boy in fact broke the window, and he is not willing to admit it. If he did not break the window, it is probably better stated as "The boy denied breaking the window".

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If you take away the 'the' in the first sentence they are both gramatically fine.

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What is a thrown?

it is a connecting rod that has seized on the crank / broke and went thru the block