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Q: Homograph for loud noise and mesh bat used for in certain sports?
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What is the homographs for a fringe of hair or a loud noise?


How not to flinch?

Certain things may make you flinch. If loud noises bother you, have people surprise you by making a loud noise. When you get use to noise, you will less likely react when the noise occurs.

What does yammered mean?

Loud and sustained or repetitive noise.

Is 6 sones loud?

Yes, 6 sones is considered loud. It falls within the range of moderate to loud noise levels and may be disruptive in certain environments such as a bedroom or office.

What is A very loud noise that begins with the letter r?

roar really loud noise

Three letter word meaning loud noise?

it is a three letter word meaning loud noise. the change one letter. from bin to the next to mean loud noise

What is said Loud noise heard after lighting?

The loud rumbling noise after a lightning flash is called thunder.

What is noise in mixers?


What are Words for Loud noise?

* * * *

What are automatic responses to certain stimuli?

Automatic responses to certain stimuli also known as conditioned responses occur when a certain stimulus is paired with an involuntary response. An example of this is Pavlovs famous experiment with dogs where he paired the ringing of a bell with the presentation of food. Over time the dogs learned to salivate at the sound of the bell even without the food being presented. This is an example of a conditioned response.Other examples of automatic responses to certain stimuli include: Fear response a person may freeze or become panicked when they hear a loud noise Gag reflex a person may reflexively gag when presented with certain tastes or smells Startle response a person may jump when a sudden loud noise is heardAutomatic responses to certain stimuli are a form of learning and can be beneficial in certain situations such as when a person has a fear of loud noises. By pairing the loud noise with a calm response the person can learn to become desensitized to the noise and no longer experience fear.

Where would you put commas in the sentence There was a loud sorrowful noise coming from inside the mausoleum?

There was a loud, sorrowful noise coming from inside the mausoleum. Between "loud" and "sorrowful".

Why is your engine loud?

your engine is loud because, the fan makes that noise