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yes, rain, water or snow will ruin the suede on timbs

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Q: Does rain mess up timberland boots?
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Do timberland roll top boots need regular waterproofing?

If you're looking to waterproof regular Timberland roll-up boots, it's best to waterproof them every six months to a year. However, you can buy Timberland roll-top boots that are already waterproofed.

Where can one purchase Timberland women's boots online?

People can purchase Timberland woman's boots online on amazon and eBay. Also, people can go on their web browser and type in Google and it will bring up a lot of different stores.

Where can a person find Timberland boots for sale online?

For current season styles of Timberland boots, visit the official Timberland online store, or the Foot Locker online store. For previous seasons' boots, visit eBay for boots available from resellers.

What is a trustworthy brand to buy for men's boots?

Reliable brands for men's boots include name brands for work: 'Wolverine' and 'Catapillar'. If you are looking for style Nike and Timberland boots hold up well too.

Where can one purchase Gucci rain boots in New York?

One may purchase Gucci rain boots from Gucci dot com. They have stores in just about every state where one may order and pick up their rain boots during business days.

If you put your feet on the printer does it mess up the sound?

No, but the rain might hurt the rhubarb.

If you mess up your foot can it tell you if its suppose to rain?

If it develops arthritis, it is possible that it could.

Which is the best brand of rain boots to buy?

Independent research for the best brand of rain boots to buy for women came up with Chooka & Xilaration. The brand was not only comfortable and stylish, but also durable.

If a paintball gun gets wet will it mess it up?

no, but if you use it in the rain, and the inside of the barrel gets wet then it can mess up your shot.iv been playing for years and have yet to hear of a board shorting from being in the rain, basically you have to dunk it in water and even then it is questionable as to if it will short out

Will water mess up Uggs boots?

If they are very badly damaged, then the water could destroy your Ugg boots. If they aren't badly damaged, then the best thing you could do is just let them dry out.

Will rain mess up concrete just poured around posts?

It certainly can if the concrete becomes too waterlogged.

Can you wear New Balance M574 in the rain or will the suede get ruined?

Wearing suede in the rain is detrimental to the material. It will mess it up, however there are things that can be sprayed on the fabric to protect it.