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I would say yes to both. I know for a fact u must obtain a liscense. The part about hunting season. I am not sure for Pennsylvania. I WI you can obtain crop damage tags and hunt year round but this is only if u are a farmer. If you are not using Ag tags then you must hunt during and only during the states season.

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Q: Do you have to have a hunting license to hunt on your own land in PA. Also do you have to hunt in the designated season?
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Can a new resident of US buy a hunting firearm?

Yes, but there are many things that go along with this. For example, you must have a valid hunting permit or license. You must also have completed the hunting safety course in your town of residence. This will allow you to enjoy the hunting season. Hope this helps!

When can you start hunting'?

when you are 12 and have your hunting license, also a tag for whatever kind of deer you are shooting.

What are the hunting license requirements in New Jersey?

To obtain a hunting license, one must be over the age of ten and complete a hunting safety course. They must also have no criminal background pertaining guns or violence.

Can you go to jail if you hunting and police catch you and you got hunting licences?

It depends on the circumstances and laws of the specific jurisdiction. If you have a hunting license but were hunting outside of designated areas or during prohibited times, you may face potential penalties. Additionally, if you were hunting protected or endangered species, that could also lead to legal consequences. It's important to follow all regulations and laws related to hunting to avoid any legal issues.

Who has to have a fur bearers hunting permit in Nebraska?

Anyone of legal hunting age must have a furbearers license to hunt or trap those types of animals. Landowners must also have a license but do not have to pay the fee.

Can you still walk with a rifle in the woods when its hunting season and you dont have a hunting license?

NO. Though each state has it's own laws it is illegal everywhere that I know of. The only exceptions that I know is if you where on your own proptery, but even then it is iffy. The problem is that there is no way for the Conservation Officer to know that you are not hunting. Then why would you want to do that? With people hunting and shooting, you walking around would only spoil their hunt. It also might be dangerous. In addition diliberately interfering with legal hunting IS A CRIME, and one you will be proscuted for. So the answer is Yes you must have a license, and don't do it because it is unsafe.

What do people do to raccoons?

People want to hunt raccoons on hunting season . They treed and kill raccoons . Hunting hounds ( that are hunting dogs ) also do the same .

What happens if you get caught hunting out of season?

In most states, all hunting violations are punishable by up to a year in jail plus fine. Any violation is on your criminal record for life. Many believe you should get a fine for out of season hunting. I do because if to many people start doing it then your animals will get extinct. So then you won't be able to hunt at all. Also if they made an exception for you then other people will get mad if they get a fine and you did not for over season hunting.

When does deer hunting season start in Vermont?

The season is different from State to State, and is determined by each State's Wildlife Department.

What season is the most dangerous for your pony in the field?

Usually the most dangerous is in the spring when pasture is coming on and the hunting season can also be dangerous.

What are the rules and regulations in Texas regarding hunting?

In Texas, a regulation for hunting is that hunting is allowed only during open seasons times. Like many other states, Texas also requires a hunting license to be purchased regardless of age.

Are we allowed to hunt ducks without a license?

You can't hunt without a hunting license or you go to jail and you have to pay a fine. You also Can't hunt ever again