You can not put tropical fish in coldwayter bevause they need hot water to survive but you can put goldfish in coldwater becaue they are coldwater fish
Goldfish get along with many types of peaceful freshwater fish; basically anything that won't eat them. However, goldfish should not be kept with most of the fish you find in a pet store, because they are coldwater fish, and require a lower temperature than most fish. Thus the only suitable tankmates are other coldwater species, which are few and far between.
No. Corydoras are tropical fish and do not do at all well below 70F.
You can buy cold water fish from your local pet store, or aquatic center.
yes they are
Hiya. I have a whole heap of coldwater fish. Their names are Tamara,
yes they are edible with fish lice.because when boiled or roasted properly,all germs die
What you need to look for is not particularly "freshwater" fish. What you need is Coldwater fish rather than Tropical fish. The coldwater species that may be available apart from all the different types of Goldfish. are Golden Orf, Rudd, Roach, and various catfish species too.
Yes, Arowana fish is edible. This species of fish is not a popular fish to be eaten, but it can be and will not harm you if you eat it because it is not toxic.
Yes. All fishes are edible.
Broadtail Moors are in the goldfish family and coldwater fish. They are bred in China.
Yes, a betta is a tropical fish. Tropical fish all have different temperatures at which they do best at, but goldfish are coldwater fish. Coldwater fish come from from a variety of different temperatures as well, so yes there is a temperature difference. You could not keep goldfish and bettas together because of the temperature difference.