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Most countries have banned it thanks to an international treaty. However, Japan still whales on a scale large enough that there are even a few sushi restaurants in the USA that serve whale meat. The Japanese say that the whaling is only for scientific research, but if that is the case, why is whale meat being served in restaurants? Bob Barker, the retired host of "The Price is Right," funds a ship called the "Sea Shepherd" that travels to Antarctica and fights against Japanese whalers. There is a reality show on Animal Planet about it, called "Whale Wars."

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Q: Do we still use commercial whaling?
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What agency banned Whaling internationally?

The International Whaling Commission is the agency responsible for introducing the ban on commercial whaling. In 1982 the commission agreed the 'The 1986 Moritoriam' which effectively banned commercial whaling from 1986, although Scientific and Aboriginal subsistence whaling is still allowed under strict quotas.

Is whaling common?

Until the late 20th Century it was but due to the 1986 Commercial Whaling ban, only a few countries are still Whaling, which makes what their activities illegal despite claiming that they are doing it for cultural or scientific purposes, which is in general aloud as a loophole in the commercial whaling ban.

When was the whaling ban?

Whaling itself isn't banned. However, commercial whaling was banned in 1986. Whaling is still aloud today if it is for 'scientific research'. Eventhough most countries uses it as a loop hole to kill whales for commercial purposes.

How do you overcome whaling in Antarctica?

Commercial whaling is prohibited south of 60 degrees S, which covers the Southern Ocean around Antarctica. This means that there is no commercial whaling in Antarctica.

What countries have a ban of whaling?

The major countries which still permit legalized commercial whaling are Japan, Norway and Iceland. They each give their own reasons, including "benefit of science", etc.

What caused the whaling industry to decline?

Main reasons would be the reduction of the global whale population and as a result, the 1986 ban on commercial whaling. However, countries like Japan is still doing but in past 6 years, Japan has failed to make a profit of their whaling industry due to a environmental activist non governmental organisation called Sea Shepherd Conservation Society and they have intervene their whaling by trying to reinforce the commercial whaling ban without the use of violence. For other countries, it is just to the fact that people aren't interested as much due to publicity with Japan's Whaling industry.

Is whaling banned in Antarctica?

Commercial Whaling has been banned since 1986 by the International Whaling commission. However, scientific whaling is allowed to strict quotas.

How come people did not end whaling?

This is quite a complicated and mixed answer. Whaling is still happening but not to the extent as it used to be going back a generation ago. Commercial whaling was banned in 1986 when the IWC (International Whaling Commission) said that Commercial Whaling is banned due to the reduction of population of numerous whale species. However, mainly Japan, Norway, Iceland and the Faroe Islands still kill whales. How they are aloud is that they say that what they are doing is for either cultural or scientific purposes. This is a loophole in the IWC Commercial Whaling ban as it means scientific research is allowed. There are people who want to end but the most famous group of people who are anti-whaling group is called Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. Since 2002, they have gone to Antarctica to confront the Japanese whalers to reinforce the UN law that instates that what Japan is doing is illegal. However, the Japanese whalers have ignored this, and it wasn't until March 31st, 2014 where the IWC indicated what Sea Shepherd is doing by saying what Japan has done is illegal commercial whaling as it doesn't meet the scientific research standards. There are people who wants Whaling to end, but it the UN's responsibility to reinforce the Commercial Whaling law, but as they aren't it is still allowed to occur despite it being illegal.

Are whales still fished around Antarctica?

No commercial whaling is allowed south of 60 degrees S, based on the Antarctic Treaty.

Do people still go whaling?

Yes, the Japanese still do some whaling . . . it is one of their basic foods.

What year killing humpback whales made prohibited?

To prevent extinction, the International Whaling Commission introduced a ban on commercial humpback whaling in 1966.

Why is the finback whale going endangered?

Because of over a century of commercial whaling.