It depends how big your Koi is and how big the Catfish is. If the catfish can fit in the Koi's mouth than it will get eaten.
a carp! go to www and look up koi and koi is Japanese for carp! i got one! and they are cool! same as a plectomus! another name for a type of catfish! but tropical! a catfish is cold water (i think)!
It depends on the catfish. if it is a small catfish ( 1-5 inches) sometimes the angelfish will try to eat it. if it is a medium sized catfish (6-9inches) you will be fine. BUT if you get a large catfish (10 inches and over) it will terrorize your angelfish by nipping at the angelfishes fins and if big enough will eat it. some of the catfish you can mix is a Cory catfish, Redtail catfish, upside down catfish and rubber lip catfish but that is all. Another thing is you should get the fish when they are young because angelfish are territorial. one last thing is that to mix the two fish you should get a tank 25 gallons or over or they will be too crammed and die even though 25 gallons is pretty large angelfish can grow up to 10 inches and all of the catfish that can mix can grow up to 7 inches
People eat catfish.
No, it is not recommended to eat catfish raw.
no they dont .
Catfish can swim. Some Amazonian catfish can eat people
Catfish can swim. Some Amazonian catfish can eat people
People eat catfish.
No, trout does not eat catfish. Trout are yoo small to eat them anyway.
Nope they sometimes eat there eggs
well cats eat fish really it depends on the cat
Guppies are tiny tropical fish. Koi are very large cold water fish. You don't mention what species of catfish you mean, and there are hundreds. But simply from what I've pointed out you can see that they are incompatible. Only an idiot would try to do it.