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yes, because they are diffrent from other fish.

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Q: Do glow fish need warm salt water?
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Does glofish live in salt water or clean water?

fresh water. glow fish live in medium water with a ph of around 7. glow fish are really just regular fish modified to glow through genetic engineering. glowfish =fish+jellyfish.

Why do salt water fish need salt water?

yes they do

How much salt does salt water need?

Goldfish don't need salt because they are Freshwater Fish!

What is good about salt water?

whats good about salt water is that fish that live in the ocean need salt water to survive

Do salt water fish live in tropical tanks?

Saltwater fish require salt water, and fresh water fish need fresh water, you can't mix them, or the fish will die. You need to look at each individual fishes needs as to what temp they need their water to be. There are some saltwater fish that can survive in fresh water, but it is not healthy for them.

What happens if a salt water fish gets placed in freash water?

it would prob die because the salt water fish need salt water so yeah it would die.

What best explains why freshwater aquarium would be a dangerous habitat for saltwater fish?

because saltwater fish need cold water and saltwater

What if you get a salt water fish and put it in freshwater will it survive?

No you cannot do that. There are special minerals in the salt water that the fish need to survive. Even though there may be some fish that can be in both types in water. Like a dolphin. If you do want a salt water fish you could buy sea salt and add it to your aquarium.

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Is haddock a fresh water or salt water fish?

It is a marine fish found in the atlantic ocean.

Why do fish have to swim in salt water?

Saltwater fish have the same problem in reverse. For saltwater fish, the sea water contains a much higher concentration than what is in their bodies. As a result, salt leaks in and the fish has to use its kidneys and ion pumps to excrete extra salt.