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rifle slug

regular slug

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Q: Could you show me a rifle slug and a regular slug?
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Related questions

What is the difference between a slug gun and a shotgun?

Slug guns have a fully rifled barrel like a center fire rifle. This helps improve accuracy. A regular shotgun barrel is smooth bore with different choke tubes for a specific desired shot pattern.

How much sea can a sea slug chug?

As much sea as a sea slug could chug if a sea slug could chug sea.

What is the difference between a slug barrel and a regular barrel?

In the most general of terms, slug barrels are rifled and regular barrels are smooth bore. Both are capable of shooting slugs.

To check for bullet diameter. how do you slug a bore?

have a gunsmith do this, push a slug of close dia through the rifle, and micrometer the bullet. this will give the true bore size.

What does a male and female slug look like?

I think if you just go on google images and type in male slug and then female slug it would show you

Could a 22 caliber pellet gun kill a deer?

it may kill a deer if you were lucky. But it is not the best choice for hunting deer. Remember a .22 pellet is the same size slug as a regular .22 cal bullet and I would not hunt deer with a .22 cal rifle. It's just a poor choice.

What is more powerful a slug or a rifle bullet?

rifle bullet Assuming you mean the slug as a form of shotgun load, then, it depends. The slug is significantly heavier than a typical .30 caliber (7.62mm) rifle round, and the sabot nature of the slug load for a shotgun produces a reasonable amount of muzzle velocity (though, less than a quarter that of a typical rifle). Due to the nature of shotguns, and the lower initial velocity, the slug has significantly shorter range (100m, maybe) than a typical rile (which can be used up to 1000m). Inside that range, however, the slug has enormous energy. The effectiveness of the slug vs the rifle bullet really depends on the type of target being shot at. The small cross-section and very high velocity of the rifle bullet make it good for punching through thin but strong materials (kevlar, lexan, steel), but poor for thicker materials (including tissue, where rifle bullets tend to make a small hole straight through, but cause little extra damage). A slug's big diameter, much slower speed and high mass make it excellent for penetrating layered materials (e.g. a car doors, masonry, etc.), plus, it causes massive tissue damage.

What does slug mean?

Slug could be a snail like animal. It could also mean one heavy bullet.

Fbasic parts of a rifle and shoutgun ammunition?

I'm guessing that your question is "What are the basic parts of rifle and shotgun ammo?"Rifle- A rifle cartridge is made up of:PrimerbrasspowderbulletShotgun- A shotgun cartridge is made up of:Primershellpowderwaddingbb's(or slug/other projectile)

Where can you download metal slug 5?

whatch my vedio in youtube type'metal slug free dowload' and ill show you where i dowload metal slug x,1,2,3,4,5,6,but i cannot dowload xx and 7

Can a rifled slug barrel shoot regular 12 gage?

Yes, but, it is an exercise without a point.

Do you need a firearms certificate to have a 12g rifle slug cartridge in the UK?

Yes these are section 1 ammunition and require an FAC