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You sit on a couch.

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Q: Can you sit in or on a couch?
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What is past tense for sit?

Sat (I SAT on the couch)

What are couch salads?

I think you may mean couch POTATOES, which is a slang term for people who sit around all the time watching TV or playing video games -- they usually sit on the couch, so the image is of an unmoving vegetable.

Is Beavis and Butthead real?

No they are people who just sit all day on the couch

Can you get a couch on Moshi monster?

No you cant ever sit down. You can get some chairs.

Is a couch a type of chair?

No, a couch is not a type of chair. A couch typically has a backrest and is designed for multiple people to sit on, while a chair is typically designed for one person and has a single seat and backrest.

How can women add mass to their bodies?

sit on couch, eat chips watch tv

Which is the world's funniest joke?

Ok first sit on the couch then go over to the mirror

Does doing crunches off the side of a couch burn stomach fat?

You raise your legs while doing a crunch, so I am thinking that you mean sit-ups. Yes, doing sit-ups off the couch does burn stomach fat.

Where does one sit when eating a meal?

Where one sits when eating a meal depends on where they are. If they are at home, they can sit at the dining room table, or on the couch.

Can prisoner become a couch potato die?

A prisoner will most likely never become a couch potato because they can't sit and watch television all day.

What do people do in Jefferson City Missouri?

sit on the couch, watch TV, and eat potato chips.