yes I just saw one!
"Tom Ivens" . Tom used the foil from his milk bottles for the body of the fly and the milk was from a Jersey Herd. Paddy Davison 7th September 2009
the fly's that carried smallpox were close to the cows, so the milk maids would get stung.
Milk that flies - butter(fly).
you have to find the pegasus and fly back you have to find the pegasus and fly back
fish: have scales, have gills and they are blindmammals: drink mothers milk, have hairs on their body birds: have beaks, and they can fly.
because they eat milk and cookies with santa and the elves to be fat enough to fly
Birds-------------------------mammalsfeathers--------------------furEggs-----------------------live youngdoesnt produce milk------produces milk
They are poi-sins milk weed is Poisson's fly Man
You can untuck your nipple by losing chest muscle. If you try forcing it out, your breast will tear and milk will fly all over the place. Try not to squirt milk if squeezed.
Bats fly, which makes them seem similar to birds. However, they have all the characteristics of mammals. They are covered in fur, they are warm blooded, they give birth to live young, and they produce milk to feed their young.
the appocalpyse is a giant monkey that will fly down from uranus and feed everyone donuts and milk. he will aslo sing for us. he is coming in 2012