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You can, but you should first soak it for a few minutes before feeding it to the catfish. They also eat small worms and brine shrimp.

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Q: Can you feed glass catfish flake food?
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Can a Cory catfish eat frozen brine shrimp?

Yes, you may feed your catfish brine shrimp,aswell as premium high quality flake food. Consult the Net. for complete care infirmation.

Can catfish eat cichlid flake food?

There are lots of catfish species. Some will and some won't. Name the species of catfish and you will get a more accurate answer

Can you feed pictus catfish goldfish flake food?

Yes but its not the best. A varied diet should be fed to them. Check out whats available at the pet shops. The important thing is (like most living things) they need their food fresh rather than rotten.

How much flake food should you feed a beta?

about 3 flakes or 2

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Yes they can i feed mine gold fish food

Can you feed them flake food?

Sea monkeys are Brine shrimp and eat 'spirulina' which is a kind of algae.

What kind of flake food do you feed guppies?

The best flake food for Guppies would be one that is high in vegetable matter. Another food that is heathy for them is finely chopped , and ground spinach. Guppies are largly vegetarian, But will eat most other foods.

Can you feed your fighting fish tropical food?

Yes you can- but I've fed my male betta flake food and pellet food specifically for bettas.

Can catfish be put with goldfish?

Cats can and will eat your fishy friends. It is always a good idea to keep fish bowls and aquariums. Fish occasionally like to jump out of their homes. Yes, catfish can and will eat goldfish, and any other fish smaller than they are.

What is a fantails favorite food?

flake and pellet food, blood worms and frozen food. It is best to feed them once per day and only enough food so that there will be no food left on the surface or on the bottom after five minutes.

When the angelfish eggs hatch what do you feed them?

small ( baby ) brine shrimp ! Flake food crushed up into a powder can also be used.

How do you make your catfish big?

just add bread to what you already feed them and throw in a couple grasshoppers. give them lots of artificial food not natural