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some times like a guppy and mollie or sowrd tail and platy

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Q: Can you cross breed two fish spices?
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How do you breed fish in tapfish?

From the menu, open breed submenu, then choose two fish to breed Tips and tricks you can find at

How do you breed your fish on tap fish?

you get two fish that when you are buying them say "breedable" then once you buy them, go to the "Breed" section of the menu, and then click on the fish you want to breed, then press "breed" then wait 3 days, then go to the menu then press the "Breed" then there is your new fish

What two fish do you need to breed for the magic fishes on fish tycoon?

there is a series of fish you can breed to get the magic fish. The frist magic fish comes when you first get the game then breed a bunch of fish together untl you get the rest

What two animals cross breed a greater roadrunner in tap zoo?

Cross Breed a Cheetah and a Scimitar Oryx. It will cost 5,500,00 coins.

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Just u u should breed two fish which prefer living in bottom and top of the water level separately

What is an cross?

it is when 2 different species of animals breed and create a sort of cross between the two species.

What do you get when you cross two mules?

mules can't breed, so nothing.

What is a cross-breed?

an animal with purebred parents of two different breeds.

What two features are common to all fish?

No matter what breed of fish, all fish have gills and pectoral fins.

What is a unicorn mixed with a pegasus?

Just a normal cross breed horse. To get a unicorn you must breed two unicorns.

What is an cross breeding?

it is when 2 different species of animals breed and create a sort of cross between the two species.

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Soba inu's are their bteed