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Oscars are cichlids! They are from the South American group of cichlids. Fish can mate only within the same species. Oscars can only mate with other Oscars.

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Q: Can cichlids and Oscars mate
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Related questions

How does pet Oscars mate?

Oscars are cichlids that lay eggs on hard surfaces. They like flowerpots because they can guard the entrance against predators.

What type of fish eats other fish?

Oscars when they get big can eat feeders and most types of cichlids will also.

Can albino Oscars and tiger Oscars mate?

Yes, but i am not sure what patches of color will the baby will have.

What pH should a tank have for Oscars?

6.5 to 8.3___________________ Oscars can be kept as said above in a wide range of PH, however they do best in a neutral PH as do most other South American Cichlids which Oscars are. (Neutral PH is 7.0)

What fish eat a glo fish?

Glo fish are genetically changed Zebra Danios. They would be eaten by any of the larger cichlids such as Oscars.

How can i get my African cichlids to stop fighting i have 4 African cichlids and a albino tiger Oscar and the Oscar is the one being hurt?

You should NEVER try to mix African Cichlids with Amazonian Cichlids. It simply can not work. If your tank is set up properly for Africans your water conditions will be slowly killing the Oscar. Please for the Oscars sake get it out of there and in future do some homework/research before mixing species together.

Can you put other cichlids with Oscars in a fish tank?

Well....yes, you can. But I wouldn't expect to find your other fish in the morning. Your oscar will likely eat them.

Can you breed Oscars with Cichlids?

i breeded them once An Oscar IS a cichlid...please be more specific.

What can you do to make your Oscars to mate?

No one can make Oscars mate. Oscars need to be mature and in breeding condition and must also be in a very large tank. They also need to choose their own mate. Sometimes two females will spawn together so their owner thinks they are a pair and then wonders why the eggs never develop into fry. There is no known way to sex Oscars other than by an expert 'venting' them no matter what other people say. Oscars are one of the fish that come under the category of having "No sexual dimorphism".

How long do Oscars mate for?

A pair of Oscars can mate for life (up to 20 years) if they are not separated somehow. They do tend to slow down as they age though and in my experience loose their fecundity somewhat once they are over 15 years old.

Will jewel cichlids fight with convict cichlids?

It is expected that Jewel Cichlids with Convict Cichlids.

Can baby cichlids be with larger cichlids?

no because the bigger cichlids will eat the little cichlids.