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Q: Can a clown fish go in water temperature of 24c?
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What temperature is colder -16c or -24c?

-24°C is colder than -16°C.

What is the phase state of copper at room temperature?

At the average room temperature of 24C, copper is a solid

Temperature in Warsaw Poland now?

24C on the 24th July 2009

What type of energy that is greater in the swimming pool with a temperature of 24c then in a puddle with a temperature of 24c?

The swimming pool would have more thermal energy than the puddle at the same temperature of 24°C due to its larger volume of water. This is because thermal energy is directly related to the amount of matter (in this case water) present, so a larger body of water like a swimming pool will contain more thermal energy compared to a small puddle.

How do you keep the temperature of tropical fish water?

You should have a thermostatically controlled aquarium heater, and a good thermometer to monitor the temperature. Although they are sold, don't use the type of thermometer that you stick to the glass; that doesn't give you an accurate temperature. Use one that goes in the tank itself. For tropical fish, I have had the best success with the temperature about 75-78 degrees F.

Information on Rubber plantation in kerala of 12pages?

rubber plantation in kerala require 24c temperature

6c times 4?


What is the GCF of 12cd and 24c?

12cd24c = 2*12cThe GCF of 12cd and 24c is 12c.

Seoul's coldest ever temperature?

Seoul's coldest ever recorded temperature is -23.1°C (-9.6°F), which occurred on January 1, 2001.

How many pt are in 24c?

There are 11pt

Room teperature in c?

24c (75.2f)

What is the LCM of 24c and 18?
