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In most areas the best time to plant tall fescue grass seed would be in early autumn--usually between August 20-September 20. The second best opportunity would be in the Spring around Mothers Day

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Q: Best time to plant tall fescue grass?
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Related questions

How do you kill tall fascue grass?

The only thing I have found that will kill tall fescue or creeping fescue is "Roundup."tm

What type of grass is sold at Home Depot?

tall fescue

What sort of grass is best suited to shady parts of landscape?

Tall fescue is actually a really good grass type for densely shaded areas.

What kind of grass grows best in red clay South Carolina?

Tall fescue, Bermuda grass and buffalo grass all does well in clay soils. Bermuda grass is the kind of grass you seem on golf courses and public parks.

What does cultivated varieties of turf grass mean?

Grass species suitable for lawns eg poa not things like cocksfoot or tall fescue

Fescues - Another Type of Grass?

Fescues grasses grow and adapt the best in the cool season. They thrive the best in the Central to Northern states and up into Canada. This species seeds easily and has many different sub species. The tall bunching grasses are called tall fescue, the short fine fescues are called hard fescue, chewings fescue, creeping red, and sheep fescue. The hard fescue is the hardiest of them all. It is also resistant to disease and can grow very well in areas that are mainly shaded. It grows the slowest of all of the fescues, and this makes it a very low maintenance type of grass. Places that are not easily maintained use the hard fescue for erosion, conservaton and reclamation planting in areas that are not easily taken care of. All of the fescue grasses can handle a drought and don’t need a lot of watering. The fescue grasses can survive in the shade when most other cool season grasses cannot. They also can tolerate and thrive in the hot seasons of the lower transitions zones, and in the transition zone that is too cold for the other grasses in the winter. All of the fescue grass species stay green all year. Even though this grass tolerates shade and cold very well, the Fine fescues tolerate them much better than the Tall fescues. Since all of the species remain green all of the time, they fill a grass field gap caused by climate differences and changes when other grasses cannot. The tall fescues are perfect for pastures and for the animals to use for grazing. Also, the new variety of turf type tall fescue grass can take heavy traffic, resist insects, have a strong blade structure and a more attractive color that would be good to have on a lawn. It is also safe to over seed the tall fescue grass lawns when the lawn becomes too thin. The best time for the overseeding is in the fall so that the grass is at its’ best by the time the hot summer arrives. Even the newer and different varieties of fescue grass can be overseeded at this time and then done yearly.

What has the author Thomas G Chastain written?

Thomas G. Chastain has written: 'Spring establishment of orchardgrass and tall fescue seed crops with cereal companion crops' -- subject(s): Planting, Tall fescue, Companion crops, Orchard grass

What is the recommended mowing height for tall fescue lawn?

In the spring, the recommended mowing height for Tall fescue grass would be 2 inches. In the summer raise your mower blade so that the height of the grass is 3 inches. You last mowing of the season before the lawn goes dormant should be low (2 inches).

What is the best grass seed for Indiana?

Tall Fescue, Red Fescue, Ryegrass/Annual/Perennial, KY Bluegrass, KY-31, and Bentgrass are a few good choices. Late summer/early fall planting of grass is considered better than spring planting. Fall planting gives new grass two complete growing seasons before it goes through the hot, dry summer of the following year.

How can I get rid of tall fescue grass?

Use a product called Certented by Monsanto. You can by it off e-bay. It is very powerful and caution is advised.

What is the best kind of grass to plant in upper east Tennessee?

A popular grass choice for upper East Tennessee is Kentucky bluegrass because of its ability to thrive in cool climates and tolerate shade. Another good option is tall fescue, known for its durability and drought resistance. It is advisable to consult with local nurseries or landscaping professionals for specific recommendations tailored to your area's conditions.

What is the best kind of grass seed to plant in eastern Virginia?

Tall fescue is a popular and well-suited grass seed for eastern Virginia due to its tolerance to heat, drought, and foot traffic. It is low maintenance and can thrive in various soil types commonly found in the region. Additionally, Kentucky bluegrass and perennial ryegrass are also suitable options for a lush and resilient lawn in this area.