"wtf" - an on-line txt abbreviation which means "what the f***" the final word in this abbreviation is sometimes reported as being an archaic acronym which stands for: (For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge) which was synonymous with sexual immorality such as adultery or fornication (i.e. intercourse outside of wedlock). This acronym is most usually used do express complete shock, amazement, outrage or simply a repetitive statement when one does not wish to utilize enough brain capacity for an intelligent response.
25 x 2 cent coins = 50 cents. What dude who answered question up there -------^ WTF?? theres no such thing as a 2 cent coin!! unless you know something i dont yeah
it is made from clorofine
Apples where first made in china?
you have to look at it from a math stand point...NO
it was made 2 b funny lol
The internet term for WTF is not polite.
WTF = "what the f*ck" FTW = "for the win"
WTF with Marc Maron was created in 2009.
ftw means for the win or freak the world wtf means what the freak
mars has is made out of iron? wtf? how does that make sense? i dont have an awnser for you but seriously what the hell?
could it be a combination of omg (oh my god) wtf (what the ****) zomg (zo oh my god wtf(what the ****) bbq (barbeque)
WTF Collective - 2009 was released on: USA: 5 October 2009 (internet)
Its a music band
WTF means "What the f____?"