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type writers are not alphabetical because the old way they were made was as such that the keys couldn't be typed to fast as a hammer like object with the key printerd on it struk the paper and made the ink come through

and if it was arranged alpha style certain keys next to each other or very close i.e. a and e that get used alot would strike each other at the base of the hammers and jam up making it harder to type faster its all about the time it takes to hit the paper and reset back in its place before the next one hits ect. think that's right

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Q: Why are the keys on the typewriter not arranged alphabetically?
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How were the keys arranged on the first typewriter?

A-M was on the bottom row and N-Z was on the top row

Why are alphabets not arranged alphabetically?

All alphabets are arranged alphabetically by definition.

Who invented the typewriter first?

Christopher Latham Sholes invented the first practicaltypewriter in 1868. But it wasn't all that practical. It had no lowercase letters, no zeroes, and no punctuation marks except the period and the comma. There was no backspace mechanism the typists could not see what they were typing. the keys were arranged alphabetically

Why are the keys in a computer keyboard usually arranged in a haphazard manner?

The keys in a computer are arranged in a haphazard manner because,previously when computers were not there,typewriters were used for typing documents.Initially,the keys of a typewriter were arranged in alphabetical order.So the people would go on typing at ease, without any problem and so, the speed of typing was very fast.As a result,the sticks of the typewriter,which were connected to the keys would get tangled up thus resulting in the collapse of the machine.So, the keys were arranged in a haphazard manner to make it difficult for the user to type.This practice continued in the computers as well.

Were there different keys on the typewriter then on the keyboard?

The computer keyboard is the same as the typewriter keyboard. The typewriter did have special keys that were not on the keyboard, like the tab keys that indented. The keyboard also has extra function keys that were not on the typewriter.

Who invented the first typewriter?

The first typewriter was invented by Christopher Latham Sholes, Carlos Glidden, and Samuel W. Soule in 1868. Their invention led to the creation of the first commercially successful typewriter, the Sholes and Glidden typewriter, which eventually paved the way for modern keyboards and typing machines.

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What do the red and white keys do on a typewriter?

The red keys on a typewriter are used for typing special characters or symbols. The white keys are used for typing letters, numbers, and punctuation marks. The keys work together to create text on the typewriter.

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When listed alphabetically what is the capital of the fourth of four states that begin with the letter I?

Boise=Idaho, Springfield=Illinois, Indianapolis=Indiana, and Des Moines=Iowa.If the capitals are to be arranged alphabetically, then the answer is Springfield.If the states are to be arranged alphabetically, then the answer is Des Moines.

Why is the top row on a keyboard not alphabetically?

The reason the keyboard is the way it is, is purely because that was the first way a typewriter was made. The problem was that commonly used keys would clash together. So to stop that happening, Sholes (the guy who made the typewriter) separated common keys to stop this. Now, we whinge about it, but everyone's used to it.