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Q: Where do you place the marks to show how many syllables are in the word another?
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"Delicatessen" has four syllables: del-i-ca-tes-sen. There are no accent marks in the word.

How many syllables in the word another?

There are 3 syllables. An-oth-er.

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The word "displace" has two syllables.

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There are two syllables. Tren-ton.

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How many syllables does another have?

Three, a*no*ther

How many syllables does the word another have?


How many syllables are in the word place?

The word place has one syllable.

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there are two syllables because ( crui ) is one syllable and ( sing ) is another.

How many syllables does the word another have in it?

(3) A-nuth-uhr.