Vertical means up and down. A horizontal line goes from the left to the right (or from the right to the left) like this: ----------------------------- A horizontal line goes from a position that is low to a position that is high (or from a position that is high to a position that is low) like this: | | | | | | | | But the word "vertical" does not tell you which direction the line is drawn, just the it is a line.
tall mall
tall mall
The word pair "high" and "low" have opposite denotations as they represent different levels of elevation or position in relation to a reference point.
No, the word pair is not an adverb.The word pair is a noun (he has a pair of cards) and a verb.(I will pair them up).
No, pride and prejudice is a word pair.
The pair word is 'thin': thick and thin.
The word pair is a noun.
The word pair has one syllable.
Rhyming word pair for home for a rodent?
One word pair that can be used for 'chips' is "fish and chips."
There is 1 such pair in the word "reluctance" - the letter "e" appears twice in this word.