change *range
notre, votre, apotre rhyme with autre (although the "au" sound is a little more deep sounding)
well there is no rhymes with thousand for that
Lord rhymes with sword and means master.
Sorry to disappoint you but there is no other word for happy that rhymes with it.
A rat is spelled 'un rat' (masc.) in French.
The French word for rat is rat (masc.), pronounced like "rah".Mouse: sourisPest: PesteVermin: VermineRodent: Rongeurun rat (masc.)
Bat, rat
The French word for rat is just simply rat. However, it is pronounced rah.
Délicieux rhymes with précieux in French.
change *range
Tulle rhymes with the French word voule.
Odeur d'un rat
French horn rhymes with, corn mourn scorn born